Meet our 5 most popular baby strollers
What makes a baby stroller popular? Judging from the five bestsellers in today’s video, it’s versatility: the ability to carry kids from birth up through preschool, the ability to handle multiple terrains, and, in the case of the Vista, the ability to transform to carry multiple kids. Watch Eli’s demo below, and then check out our links to learn even more!
- UPPAbaby Vista Stroller, $819.99: 27.5 pounds with seat, 50 pound weight limit
A popular Boston staple from a local brand! The Vista comes with an elegant bassinet, and also has a reversible seat, a standing fold, and UV protection in the canopy. Plus: you can add a Rumble Seat, a MESA infant car seat (no adapters necessary!), and/or a Piggyback Ride-Along Board to carry two or even three kids!
- UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller, $499.99: 21.5 pounds with seat, 50 pound weight limit
The Cruz has most of the versatility and visual oomph of the Vista at a lighter weight and a lighter price point, with a slimmer frame and smaller wheels (less effective on rough territory, but much easier to cram into your trunk). It also has a reversible seat and UV-protected canopy, and you can purchase a bassinet separately.
- Bugaboo Cameleon Stroller, $1,149.00: 21 pounds, 37.5 pound weight limit
Nothing else feels like pushing a Bugaboo, and this glorious piece of strolling equipment also has a handlebar that reverses to let you power through rougher terrain with the big front wheels, and a seat that transforms into a bassinet.
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Stroller, $349.99: 20.9 pounds, 65 pound weight limit
Back to basics: this sporty little number is the lightest in this assortment, but packs in a ton of comfort and convenience features, plus tough all-terrain tires. And that fold – did you see it in the video? Go back and watch it again. Isn’t it cool?
- Nuna Mixx Stroller, $499.95: 24.9 pounds, weight limit 50 pounds
This new fave shares a remarkable number of features with the Cameleon, and we love the extendable canopy, amazing suspension, and flat fold (which you can roll like a suitcase). It also comes with adapters for popular Nuna Pipa Infant Car Seat.
Of course, just because these strollers sell well, it doesn’t mean that any of them is going to be the precise fit for your family or your lifestyle. And that’s where we truly come in: it’s our mission to help you discover the stroller that you can’t live without, and our selection includes dozens of other lovely and practical rides for your baby. Every family is unique, and strollers are not one-size-fits-all – but we definitely have the right fit for you.
So if you don’t see what you need here (or, if you do, but you have more questions): ask us! Book a free consultation, call us at 866-600-2326, live chat with us at mbeans.com, or, if you live in New England, just drop into one of our six stores.
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