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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
UPPAbaby 2015 line announced! New UPPAbaby Vista Stroller, Cruz Stroller, G-Luxe, G-Lite, MESA car seat

UPPAbaby 2015 line announced! New UPPAbaby Vista Stroller, Cruz Stroller, G-Luxe, G-Lite, MESA car seat

UPPAbaby Logo

All has been quiet on the UPPAbaby front in the last year, with no changes in their line for 2014 … but 2015 is on its way, and new UPPA models will be rolling in. We don’t know a lot, but here’s what we know so far:

  • The 2015 UPPAbaby Vista, UPPA’s hugely popular signature luxury stroller, will be unveiled at the ABC Kids Expo this September, and will be available at some point in the fall. What improvements will we see on the Vista? We don’t know yet – but as soon as we do, we’ll be reporting it here, so keep an eye on the Spilling the Beans blog!
  • The Vista’s stylish lightweight cousin, the UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller, will also be coming out in a new version this fall, as will the G-Series umbrella strollers, the G-Lite and G-Luxe. We’ll also be seeing and reporting on these at ABC.
  • The smash hit UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat has been snapped up at incredible speeds by UPPA fans, and 2015 updates should appear early next year, at some point in the spring; we should be able to look at a prototype at the ABC show. Not only does the UPPAbaby MESA have fantastic high-tech safety features, but it forms a seamless travel system with the Vista and Cruz without any additional purchases, so why wouldn’t you want one?

Again, we don’t know what the updates will be for these UPPAbaby products yet, but we’ll be seeing them at the ABC Kids Expo in early September, and we’ll make sure our readers hear about it first.

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