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Light and lighter: The UPPAbaby G-Luxe vs. the UPPAbaby G-Lite umbrella stroller

Light and lighter: The UPPAbaby G-Luxe vs. the UPPAbaby G-Lite umbrella stroller

The UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller

The UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller

Update 4/25/2017: Lightweight Stroller Comparison

The purpose of an umbrella stroller is to have some handy wheels to put under your kid when you need ‘em, rather than all-day, heavy-duty use. They’re ideal for mass transit, grocery stores, the mall, and travel, and they’re truly at their best when your child is mobile and wants to walk some of the time, and rest some of the time.

Of course, like all stroller categories, there’s a huge range of umbrella strollers – they can be as teeny as 8 pounds or as big as 18 pounds, and the comfort and convenience features that come along will add pounds here and there. The two UPPAbaby umbrella stroller models, the UPPAbaby G-Luxe and UPPAbaby G-Lite strollers, differ mainly on that account: the G-Luxe, weighing in at 15 pounds, has a seat that reclines and an adjustable footrest, and the 11-pound G-Lite doesn’t.

Both of these stellar little strollers have a lot of the same features that parents love, including a generously-sized and easily- accessible storage basket, a large UV-protective canopy, an included cupholder, and easy-to-remove, machine-washable fabrics (so it’s easy to keep those pretty colors looking fresh). So ultimately, the question is: do you need it to recline?

The UPPAbaby G-Lite Stroller

The UPPAbaby G-Lite Stroller

The most obvious function of a reclining seat is naptime on the go; as one mom on forums puts it, ““if you’ve got a sleepy kid it’s all the difference in the world.” The moms at the forums agree: one mom reports that her sleepy kiddo can be removed from her car seat while sleeping, placed in the G-Luxe while still sleeping, wheeled through the grocery store while still sleeping, and returned to her car seat still fast asleep! A reclined seat has other uses as well: one reviewer on DC Urban Moms reported using her G-Luxe as a changing table in a pinch.

Both the G-Luxe and the G-Lite are easy to push and easy to fold, and they both have a convenient standing fold, so you don’t need to bend down to pick them up off the ground (your back is tired enough already, no doubt). And when it’s time to get onto the bus or just lug the stroller while your independent toddler feels like zooming around, they’re easy to carry with their included shoulder straps.

But of course, the G-Lite is 4 pounds G-lighter (sounds G-lightful, doesn’t it?), so if you’re doing a lot of travel on mass transit, that really could make all the difference. Lisa at loves her G-Luxe, and doesn’t mind hiking up three flights of stairs to the elevated train platform with a baby in one arm and a 15-pound stroller on her shoulder, but you might find it a bit much. It’s just another factor to keep in mind. The G-Lite also has a more breathable mesh seat back, so if you live somewhere hot, or are vacationing somewhere sweaty, this may be a better option.

So, which UPPAbaby umbrella stroller is for you? Consider where you’ll be traveling, and consider your child’s napping needs, and you have your answer!



UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller, $259.99:

  • Weight: 15 lbs
  • Age/weight: 3 months to 55 pounds
  • Recline: 1-handed, multi-position
  • Additional features: UV-protective canopy, removable/washable fabrics, large basket
  • Comes with: Parent cupholder

UPPAbaby G-Lite Stroller, $159.99:

  • Weight: 11 lbs
  • Age/weight: 6 months to 55 pounds
  • Recline: none
  • Additional features: UV-protective canopy, removable/washable fabrics, large basket
  • Comes with: Parent cupholder

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