Kazoo Flash Mob?!
We wanted to find a BIG way to celebrate the opening of our fifth store. After all, it is in The Shops at Prudential Center, one of downtown Boston’s swankiest addresses. Ever since I was a college student in Boston, I’ve loved walking through the shopper’s paradise that is the Copley-Pru complex. When we opened our first store in Coolidge Corner, we could only dream that someday we’d have our own outpost in that mall. But dreams sometimes do come true, and that store is a reality now. So cue the celebration!
When we realized that our chosen Grand Opening weekend date coincided with National Kazoo Day, we just couldn’t resist the opportunity to make another dream of ours come true. We’ve been fans of the flash mob trend since the good old days of Frozen Grand Central Station, and we’ve always wanted to do one. But since a stroller flash mob (yes, we discussed it) seemed difficult to choreograph and likely to cause injuries, we laid the dream of our very own Magic Beans flash mob to rest.
Until now.
This Saturday at 11am, we’ll be hosting a kazoo flash mob at the Pru. Between 10am and 11am, you can stop by our new store and pick up your free Melissa & Doug kazoo (while supplies last), and warm up your dancing feet. At 11, we’ll congregate and then we’ll Skip to My Lou through the Pru with kazoos. Vanessa Trien will be our fearless leader, and she’ll wrap up the flash mob with a free 20-minute concert in the food court, starting at 11:15am. It will be unforgettable. I mean it.
Will it go viral? Probably not. But stranger things have caught on (evidence: 5.8 million people have watched this 4-second video of a dog reacting to a fart).
We even made a rehearsal video, which I hope and pray will not go viral, since I was the designated kazooist, and I took it very seriously. Please don’t make fun of me. [editor’s note: this video is adorable.]
See you on Saturday!
OH. There will be some other fun things happening on Saturday (and Sunday too). Check out our complete schedule of grand opening festivities.
And you can see my favorite flash mob video of all time here.
The post Kazoo Flash Mob?! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.
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