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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
31 Days of Giveaways starts tomorrow

31 Days of Giveaways starts tomorrow

5th-birthday-bean-biggerWe wanted to come up with something BIG to celebrate our 5th birthday this year. So when Eli had the idea of doing a giveaway every day during July, we thought that sounded just perfect. We reached out to our favorite vendors and we were overwhelmed by their response. We have an astonishing group of products lined up, and a few great surprises planned along the way.

Here’s how it’s going to work:

1. Each day at midnight, we will post that day’s giveaway on our website.

2. Each day, after you’ve seen what that day’s prize will be, you can enter to win (enter just once, please). Your entry will be for that day’s item only, so if you enter on Tuesday, and then you also want to win Wednesday’s prize, you need to submit a new entry.

3. We will notify you via email the following day, whether or not you have won the prize. So, if you enter Tuesday’s giveaway, you’ll find out whether you won on Wednesday.

4. A little bird told me that bonus entries may be available on some days for those who read the blog, follow us (@sherigurock or @mbeans) on Twitter, or are fans on Facebook. I’m just sayin’.

5. Mark your calendar for 7/7, the actual anniversary of our store opening, and make sure you visit the site that day.

The post 31 Days of Giveaways starts tomorrow appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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