The UPPAbaby Vista vs. the Nuna Mixx: how to choose when they’re both so great?
Update 6/5/2017: Nuna Mixx2 vs UPPAbaby Vista 2017
A lot of times, when people come into my store in search of a stroller, they want to look at the Uppababy Vista. And I don’t blame them! It’s quite possibly the most popular stroller in Boston. It’s stylish and chic, it converts to a double, it’s easy to use and to fold, etc. It is great.
But dare I say the Vista has a new competitor? I think I do. It’s the Nuna Mixx. You may have heard about this one. We’ve blogged about it a couple times in the past, heaping praise on it. Rightfully so too! It’s a great lighter-weight stroller. Normally I wouldn’t bring the Mixx into the equation when I demo the Vista for a customer, since they’re pretty different, but I am starting to. Let’s compare them, shall we? We shall, friends, we shall.
First, the basics on the 2015 Uppababy Vista. The Vista weighs roughly 27 pounds, and its toddler seat can hold up to 50 pounds. The seat can face you or face the world, whatever you wish, and it can even recline mostly flat to accommodate even the youngest of children. One of the best things about this stroller is the under-seat basket. Uppababy is known for their big baskets, and this one is the biggest of them all, the granddaddy if you will: it can hold up to 30 pounds!! Now that’s just awesome, ladies and gentlemen. Think of all the groceries, clothes, baby stuff, toys, books, DVDs, power tools, and other types of baskets that you can fit in that basket. SPOILER ALERT: the answer is a lot. Thanks for playing.
Not only that, but it has superb suspension both in the front and the rear of the stroller, providing the ultimate smooth ride for your little one. The big tires in the rear and the smaller ones in the front help provide that easy, turn-on-a-dime push, PLUS they are foam-filled, so those suckers are never going to go flat on you. No more getting stranded on that mountain (what, you don’t climb mountains with your Vista?).
Ok, so now let’s turn our attention to the Nuna Mixx. Let’s take a look at this guy. The Mixx weighs in at 25 pounds, slightly slimmer than the Vista. The seat can also easily face you or out, but the best thing about the seat is how it lies completely flat and even turns into a semi-bassinet. I know, I know, it’s super cool. Here’s how the bassinet function works: there are two flaps that are snapped underneath the footrest of the seat. Unsnap those and re-snap them at the openings where the belly bar is. VOILA: instant bassinet. When I saw that at this past May’s Drool Baby Expo, I nearly lost my mind. Luckily, I found it (mostly).
But what other features does this vessel from Nuna boast? Similar to the Vista, it has small wheels in the front and large in the back, spectacular suspension (Nuna manufactured it in such a way that you can literally SEE the coils at the rear of the stroller), OEKO-TEX certified fabric so it’s super safe for your child, and it comes in a variety of colors.
Here’s where I would start to put them head to head. For starters, the fold. The Mixx practically folds by itself. There are two grey triggers near the handlebar. Slide those towards you, and begin to push the handlebar away from you. If you let go, you’ll notice it will fall into place all by itself. It’s seriously one of the coolest folds I’ve ever seen. But also practical. Less work on your part means a happier mommy or daddy. It even doesn’t matter which way the seat is facing, it will fold THE SAME WAY. Excellent! (Insert Monty Burns gesture here.) If you’re someone who likes a standing fold however, the Vista might be better for you. The Mixx just cannot achieve that. The fold on the Vista is similar, but has a longer profile.
Second, each stroller has different travel system capabilities. A great thing about the Vista is that not only will it carry the Uppababy Mesa Infant Car Seat without an adapter (forward thinking on their part), but it will also take the great Chicco Keyfit 30, Nuna Pipa, and Maxi-Cosi car seats, using an adapter (sold separately). The Mixx, on the other hand, is only meant to carry the Pipa with the included adapters.*
Lastly, are you having twins, or adding a second child to your family? If you like the Vista, you can also convert it into a double with the addition of a Rumble Seat and even add a third with the Uppababy Piggyback Rider board. The Mixx does not have any double/triple capabilities, so the Vista would be the clear winner there.
Well here we are now. A lot of information I know. So now, how do you choose? Do you like a standing fold and the possibility of converting your stroller to a double? The Vista is your choice. Do you prefer the ease of having your toddler seat and bassinet all in one? Mixx! Mixx! Pick the Mixx!
But there’s only one way to truly know. Come into one of our stores and talk to a stroller geek (that’s me!), book a free consultation, and/or check out our buying guides. We promise to find the right stroller JUST for you!
*However, because Nuna, Cybex, and Maxi-Cosi infant car seats all use the same kind of adapter, you may be able to use a Cybex or Maxi-Cosi seat on your Mixx.
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