Small World Toys is back!
After a very rough patch, which included a bankruptcy filing, I was pleased to learn that Small World Toys is getting back on track and should actually have product available for 2008. Small World Toys is not exactly a household name, but if you’ve shopped in a local specialty toy store, you’ve probably seen their products – Ryan’s Room, Tolo, Gertie Balls, IQ Baby and IQ Preschool are all their brands.
Most notably, before they tanked, Small World acquired Neurosmith, the wonderful line of musical toys for infants and toddlers. The Neurosmith Music Blocks easily ranks among my top favorite toys of all time, so it was a huge disappointment when their availability became so scarce. The Sunshine Symphony was also a beloved favorite in my house, at least until our dog discovered it. One member of our staff was so distraught at the prospect of losing Neurosmith that she was vowing to go to China, find the factory and import the products directly.
Fortunately, she won’t have to make that trip. Neurosmith is back, as are hundreds of other great products in the Small World catalog. I won’t fully believe it until the boxes land in our warehouse, but I placed my order today, and I’m pretty optimistic that the new management is going to get it right this year. Fingers crossed…
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