Nuna crosses the pond
In April of 2010, Eli and I were very lucky to be invited to Amsterdam to visit the Bugaboo headquarters and get a sneak peek at the Donkey stroller. While we were there, we took the opportunity to visit an amazing, enormous baby store, Kid Factory, where I got my first look at Nuna. It wasn’t a brand I’d never heard of before, but I was really impressed with two of their products, the Leaf rocker and the high chair (I liked them so much, I took pictures of both during that visit – take a look at the Leaf and and “Zwart” high chair). At the time I kept wondering where this company came from and why it wasn’t in the United States yet. I was pretty sure our customers would love it.
When I was looking at the map of the 2012 ABC Kids Expo a few weeks before the show started, I was delighted to see Nuna there. That booth was one of my first stops at the show this year, and I was thrilled to learn more about Nuna. The company has Dutch roots, which explains the lovely design aesthetic. It is also conscientiously green, with an emphasis on using organic and natural materials and manufacturing in a factory that is ecologically responsible. Now, Nuna will be bringing both the Leaf and the Zaaz high chair (wisely renamed) into the United States. They also have a nice travel crib, the Sena.
Here’s the low-down.
The Nuna Leaf is like a bouncy seat, except it doesn’t bounce — it sways, like a leaf falling from a tree. If the adult-scale model in their booth at ABC is any indication, it’s extremely comfortable and soothing. One tap on the side of the seat sends it swaying gently from side to side for 2-3 minutes at a time. The seat is sleek and modern, and comes with a washable, organic fabric insert, for peace of mind and easy clean-up. But what really sets the Leaf apart from any other bouncy seat is the weight limit. It’s a whopping 130 pounds, so you know your baby will never outgrow this seat.
The Zaaz high chair is both beautiful and practical. The seat is padded with an air foam cushion that’s easy to wipe down and has very few crevices. The seat is height-adjustable, with an easy-to-operate pneumatic lift. The tray is dishwasher safe, and removes easily for cleaning or to transition it to a chair. Like the Leaf, the Zaaz has an unusually high weight limit — 220 pounds — so you can keep using it for older children and even adults. The Zaaz is also more compact than many other high chairs, a good thing when space is at a premium.
The Sena travel crib, like all the Nuna products, is very easy on the eyes, but it is most remarkable for its very easy setup and fold. There’s a spot in the center of the crib’s floor that you simply press down to open and pull up to close. It’s done in seconds. The mattress can be adjusted from a higher bassinet position to a lower crib/play yard position — and the Sena can fold with the mattress in either position. The whole things weighs about 25 pounds.
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