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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
New for fall: classes at Magic Beans Wellesley!

New for fall: classes at Magic Beans Wellesley!

baby classIn the earliest months of your baby’s life, classes are more about you than your child: not only can you learn key skills that will help you feel confident about this whole brand-new business of parenting, but it also helps you combat new-mommy cabin fever. And perhaps most importantly of all: it’s the perfect way to meet other new parents who live in your neighborhood, forging relationships with people who are in exactly the same situation.

These two new classes at Magic Beans Wellesley will help with all of the above, helping you bond with your precious little kiddo and helping you care for yourself and maintain your sanity, too.  Sign up quick – space will be limited!

Infant Massage – click here to register

Andrea's a mom too!

Andrea’s a mom too!

Wednesday at 10am – 9/9, 9/16 and 9/23; 1 hour long
For newborn babies through pre-crawling
$90 per couple. Includes recommended oil. 

Registration is required and space is limited.
Your baby loves to be touched and held by you, and infant massage is a wonderful way to bond with your favorite little person! It also helps babies relax, reduces stress and crying, and helps babies fall asleep – it’s a great addition to an effective bedtime routine. This class is led by Andrea Oliveira, a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM), Circle of Security Parent Educator, and member of the Massachusetts Association for Infant Mental Health. Learn more about Andrea at

Parent-Child Playgroups – click here to register
Tuesdays at 9:30am or 11am – 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29 and 10/6
Snuggles & Cuddles babies from 0-3 months (9:30 – 10:30am) 
Giggles & Tickles babies from 3-6 months (11:00am to 12:00pm)
$150/5-week session
Registration is required and space is limited.

In these groups, Andrea will discuss a child development topic, facilitate a fun activity for you and your child, and talk about your transition into parenthood. Topics will include crying & soothing, music & movement, self-care, relaxation, and ways to foster your child’s development.

The post New for fall: classes at Magic Beans Wellesley! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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