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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Maclaren introduces redesigned frame

Maclaren introduces redesigned frame

Maclaren Stroller New Hinge Redesign 2010Maclaren is currently rolling out (haha) a “next generation” stroller frame with a redesigned hinge mechanism. The new design features a circular pivoting hinge and totally eliminates any risk of pinching during folding and unfolding.

My sources at Maclaren USA tell me this new hinge has been in the works for several years and is a logical design evolution, not a response to last November’s recall, which was resolved with a cleverly designed zippered hinge cover. The basic frame is the same, though there’s a slight change in the dimensions, so older seat fabrics will not fit the new strollers. The new frames are making a gradual entrance on select colors and models shipping this summer, and eventually on the entire line. Keep an eye out for good deals on the older Maclaren models during the changeover.

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