If you aren’t following TheBabyGuyNYC, your Facebook newsfeed is probably boring. Plus: win a Clek Foonf!
I remember when my friend Jamie Grayson first started his Facebook page. He didn’t have any formal training in social media, but he had his sparkly personality, his wit, his kindness and his honesty. He didn’t have a strategy, but he had something that’s too rare on the internet: authenticity! Sure enough, his on-target assessment of products and his personal touch resonated with moms all over the world.
Nowadays, Jamie has an amazing community online. He has a phenomenal web TV show, and he’s busy speaking at events across the country (including the upcoming Gearapalooza at our Wellesley store – meet Jamie there on July 24!). But somehow in the midst of all this, he still finds the time to be a fiercely devoted “guncle” to his nieces and nephews, and to develop and maintain genuine friendships. He has a heart of gold, he works hard, and he stands up for what he believes in. Plus, he’ll make you laugh all day long.
Jamie has promoted each and every one of our giveaways to his 70,000+ fans on Facebook. We didn’t sign a contract that obligated him to do it, and we didn’t plan to do any sort of exchange or sponsorship. This is the intersection of business and friendship at its best. He believes in Magic Beans and what we do, and we believe in him and we love the sensibility he brings to our industry. So we try to help each other whenever and however we can.
Today’s giveaway, a Clek Foonf Convertible Car Seat, is in honor of Jamie. One time, Jamie was visiting us over his birthday, and Eli and I love baking challenges, so we decided to make the ultimate cake for Jamie: a cake shaped like a Clek Foonf! We went all Cake Boss and tried to make it 3D, but the cake wasn’t having any of it, and at 2am, the whole thing collapsed in a spectacular cloud of crumbs and buttercream. So Jamie ended up with a flat cake decorated with a 5-point harness and a good story to tell.
Fortunately, the actual car seat is far more successful than the edible version, and this is a prize you want to win – the Clek Foonf is an extraordinary piece of safety gear, and stylish to boot. Plus, we’re giving you bonus entries if you follow Jamie today. Enter now!
The post If you aren’t following TheBabyGuyNYC, your Facebook newsfeed is probably boring. Plus: win a Clek Foonf! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.
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