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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Here’s to the Mommies Who Shop

Here’s to the Mommies Who Shop

mommieswhoshopIf you live in the Boston area and you’re a mom who likes to shop, you’ve hopefully marked your calendar for June 10th in eager anticipation of the Mommies Who Shop extravaganza in Weston that evening. Mommies Who Shop has been a growing sensation on the North Shore, and now they are bringing the party to Metro-West. An exclusive collection of up-and-coming designers and artists will gather to present unique clothing, toys, books, and gear for babies, kids and the parents who love them. The prices will be great, the door prizes are amazing and did I mention the gift bags? Or the wine bar? How about the Spa Lounge? I can’t wait.

You can save $5 off your ticket by using the coupon code “mbeans” when you register at With that discount, advance tickets are just $10. The gift bag alone is worth more than that! Bring your girlfriends and come on down to Weston. Hope to see you there.

The post Here’s to the Mommies Who Shop appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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