Grand opening in Cambridge this weekend
We’re celebrating the Grand Opening of our Cambridge store this weekend in a grand fashion. Here’s why you don’t want to miss it:
1. The deals – we’re offering some exclusive deals you can’t find anywhere else. Like $50 off a Stokke Tripp Trapp. Or $30 off a Beaba Babycook. Or some other deals that are so good, I’m literally sworn to secrecy. You’ll just have to come over and hear about them in person. Oh, and best of all? These deals are available in all four stores!
2. The giveaways – if you loved our 31 Days of Giveaways, this weekend is basically a live version. Come and peruse all the items we’re giving away and enter to win. Our friends at RunMyErrand.com will even deliver your prizes right to your door for free (some restrictions apply).
3. The vendors – some of our favorite manufacturers are sending representatives to talk about their products. You can meet with Britax, Stokke, UppaBABY, Baby Bjorn, Baby Jogger, Bloom, Skip Hop, Go Gaga, Papa Products and Valco. This is a great opportunity to give feedback about products you’re already using and to learn more about products you may be considering.
4. The entertainment – we’re having an appearance by Elmo, crafts for little kids, games for older kids and a Sunday concert for the whole family with Vanessa Trien and Julie Rama Winslow.
5. The gift bags – we have a very limited number of baby gift bags to give away. Be one of the first 15 customers each day to spend $75 or more on baby products in the Cambridge store and receive an upgraded premium gift bag.
6. The grab bag – grab one free gift with any purchase.
You can find all the details at mbeans.com/grandopening. I hope to see you there!
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