Drool Sponsor Spotlight: Have A Happy Little Stroll with BOB
There are many Bobs in the world who make us happy: Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Bob Hope, Bob Barker, Bob the Builder, Sideshow Bob. And who could forget Bob Ross, the landscape painter known for his happy little trees?
But our very favorite Bob is the BOB Revolution SE stroller, made by BOB Strollers. BOB all-terrain strollers are made to take your kid wherever he needs to go, whether you’re surrounded by happy little trees or happy little traffic signs, happy little trails or happy little sidewalks, happy little elevators and happy little supermarket checkouts.
You can take the BOB Revolution SE for a happy little jog, or a long and grueling one: either way, this stroller’s fantastic suspension and shock absorbers keep your child… happy. For fantastic one-handed steering that lets you turn on a dime, just unlock the front wheel to allow it to swivel. And when strolling is over, it’s easy to fold your BOB stroller into a happy little package that fits in your car’s happy little trunk.
Want to learn more about BOB? Check out the BOB selection on mbeans.com – and, meet BOB representatives at the Drool Baby Expo, a gathering for new parents, parents to be, and the friends and families of the expectant. The newest and best from BOB and tons of other baby gear vendors will be there – check out www.droolbabyexpo.com to learn more and get your tickets!
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