Bugaboo Donkey2 vs Bugaboo Donkey3 | Stroller Comparison
If there's one thing you've got to know about Bugaboo, it's that their Donkey strollers are top-notch. I'll never forget the day that a Magic Beans customer told me that they had their original Donkey for 7 YEARS and had used it with all 5 of their kids–talk about sturdy! After so many years of hard use, the stroller was still in tip-top shape; it only broke when the customer's family had put all of their luggage on top of it during a trip. The hardiness of the Bugaboo Donkey wasn't the only thing that impressed me the most during that interaction, though. Instead, it was the Bugaboo Donkey's backwards compatible design (a.k.a Donkey stroller elements fit perfectly, no matter what generation frame you're using) that really made this a memorable interaction.
The fact that we were able to get our customer a new Bugaboo frame and they were able to use the old pieces is pretty unique, and is just one of the design details that makes the Bugaboo Donkey stroller so awesome! A side-by-side double stroller that can collapse to a single, the Bugaboo Donkey fits through a standard doorway and keeps your baby within arms reach at all times. Want to learn more? Check out the newest iterations of the Bugaboo Donkey below!
Bugaboo Donkey2 (2018-2019)
The Bugaboo Donkey2 debuted with an increased weight limit for the seat, holding 50 pounds. Bugaboo also introduced a puncture-proof, foam-filled tire that allows for a smooth ride, similar to the air-filled tire but sturdier. The side luggage basket has a separate basket cover that features a mesh side and an opening, allowing for the handles to pull through the cover. As a single, the Bugaboo Donkey2 measures 24 inches wide; as a double, it measures 30 inches wide.
Bugaboo Donkey3 (2020)
The biggest update that people had been asking Bugaboo for is a peekaboo window in the canopy, and the Bugaboo Donkey3 delivers! This stroller still offers the zipper extension and the same great coverage on the canopy alongside the extra peekaboo window.
Another modification that customers were requesting was a rotating belly bar, making it easier to get kiddo in and out of the stroller (if you know, you know). The bassinet has an outside pocket where you could hold hand sanitizer (a new necessity!), your keys, or an extra pacifier.
The wheels of the Bugaboo Donkey3 are all a half inch more narrow than previous iterations, shaving off 1 pound of the stroller's weight. This extra-narrow wheel also allows for the stroller to be 23.5 inches wide as a single and 29 inches wide as a double.
Bugaboo also increased the undercarriage basket by 1 inch giving you a bit more space to store your stuff. The side luggage basket is one consecutive piece of material with a zipper closure (no more mesh sides!), keeping your items concealed. The thing that I appreciate about the aesthetics of the Bugaboo Donkey3 is that they have hardware that is the same color as the frame, giving it a very sleek look. This stroller is already beautiful but this just makes it look more refined. It's like having the right shoes or handbag to compliment the outfit!
What didn’t change:
The price!* You get the same amazing quality materials that are built for longevity. You can still choose between a black or aluminum frame. They maintained the same fold and the white indicator buttons. The puncture-proof foam tires are crafted out of the same material. Each seat holds 50 lbs (the average weight of a 5 or 6 year old). The seat fabric and the bassinet fabric still share the same seat frame. Finally, the great side luggage basket still holds 22 pounds.
*Pro tip! At Magic Beans, 2019 models are 20% off while supplies last!
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