Britax Frontier Voluntary Recall
We got word today that Britax has issued a voluntary recall for some of its Frontier car seats. All Frontiers manufactured between April 1, 2008 and September 14, 2008 are affected. Frontiers in the Sahara color are affected if they were manufactured between April 1, 2008 and September 17, 2008.
Britax has determined that after repeated adjustment of the harness straps one at a time, it is possible for the straps to become detached from the metal plate that secures them to the car seat. To correct this potential issue, Britax will be sending a repair kit to every consumer who owns a Frontier that was manufactured within this date range. The kit includes 2 rubber caps that were designed specifically for the metal plate on the Frontier, and once the caps are inserted on the plate, they will close off the gap that can allow the straps to loosen or detach.
If you have already registered your Frontier with Britax, you will automatically receive your repair kit and accompanying instructions. Britax has stated that they will mail out the kits no later than January 7, 2009, and that the car seat is still safe to use during the waiting period if the harness system is still properly attached. If you need to register your Frontier, or if you have any additional questions regarding the repair kit, you may contact Britax at 1-800-683-2045. When you call, be sure to have the serial number and manufacture date handy. Both can be found on stickers affixed to the car seat frame. Britax is also setting up a website at www.frontierrecall.com that will provide additional details.
Any Frontier that was manufactured after the date range specified above has been equipped with the appropriate changes.
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