Best Double Strollers (Ratings/Reviews/Prices)

The Baby Jogger City Select
You’re a pro now! Unlike the first time you purchased a stroller, you are now an experienced parent. So finding the best double stroller should be much easier, and much less daunting. Still, there are a few factors to consider before you buy.
The first consideration is your lifestyle. If you live in an urban environment where you can just hop out the door and begin your stroll, and you plan on going on long walks, you’ll want to consider a stroller that is more fully featured with larger wheels. On the other hand, if you live in the suburbs and drive everywhere, then you’re going to need to think about lugging the stroller in our out of the car every time you want to go somewhere. In that case, you likely want a double stroller that is lightweight.
The second consideration is the age difference between your first and second child. If your kids are under two years apart, and your older child still naps in the stroller on a regular basis, you may want to consider a stroller that allows you to recline both seats fully flat at the same time so both the older sibling and the baby can sleep comfortably. If your kids are more than two years apart or more than three years apart, then the recline of the second seat is less important, and the older child’s independence and ability to climb in and out of the stroller by herself might be more important.
The third important aspect of double strollers is car seat adaptability. It was convenient for you to snap your infant car seat into your single stroller, and that feature might be important for you the second time around as well. Convenience is that much more important with an active older child in tow!
Double strollers come in three different general varieties: side by side double strollers, in-line double strollers, and tandem double strollers. Let me get tandem double strollers out of the way: they have two seats, one in front of the other, and the seats do not detach from the stroller frame. These strollers tend to be very long and heavy, and it feels like pushing a bus. They are obviously not my favorite, and I don’t really recommend them. With that said, here’s a guide to my favorites in the other two categories.
Side by Side Double strollers (SBS)

The Bugaboo Donkey Duo
SBS double strollers are great because they allow you to recline both seats fully on both sides. They also enable both children to have a good view, and they also tend to push better than tandem or inline strollers. You want to look for a double stroller that is under 30” wide, since that’s the size of a standard interior door.
The downside of a SBS double stroller is that they can feel quite large, and can be heavy. This can be an issue if you are in and out of shops a lot, and are frequently trying to navigate tight spaces.
Here are my top picks for the best Side by Side Double strollers:
Bugaboo Donkey Duo ($1,499)
This stroller is obviously quite pricey, but it is so worth it. The Donkey has unparalleled design and engineering. You can literally transform this stroller from a single to a double in seconds, and it enables you to adjust the seats so the children can face you or face the world.
Baby Jogger City Mini GT ($579.99)
This is a terrific double for the ‘burbs, with tough all-terrain wheels that can tackle any playground, and an elegant and compact one-step fold that makes it easy to stow in your car.
Maclaren Twin Triumph ($279)
This is a great SBS side umbrella stroller. It doesn’t work with an infant car seat, but it is light and compact for travel, and doesn’t take up too much space in your trunk.
Bob Duallie ($689.99)
If you are looking for a serious jogging stroller with the flexibility for all-terrain walking, the Duallie is a great choice. It doesn’t recline fully for a newborn, and it’s 32” wide, but it’s easy to fold, and is great quality.
Inline Double Strollers

The UPPAbaby Vista 2015 with Rumble Seat
An inline double stroller is a single stroller that is designed to let you add an extra seat. This enables you to have the small footprint of a single stroller, but port along two kids. These are great for navigating the tight aisles of shops, but many times one of the children doesn’t get a great view, and only one of the two seats will be able to recline fully.
Here are my top picks for inline double strollers:
Baby Jogger City Select (starts at $499)
With 16 different combinations, the City Select offers great flexibility in the way you can configure it. The children can face you, face the world, or a combination of the two. You can easily add a car seat adapter to it, or add a bassinet as well.
UPPAbaby Vista 2015 ($859.99)
Stack on seats, bassinets, or infant car seats – the UPPAbaby MESA infant car seat even can ride on the 2015 Vista without an adapter! Plus, it’s a gorgeous stroller with an incredibly smooth push.
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