And his name is…
Sorry, sorry. I know, I’ve kept you all in suspense way too long.
Our son’s name is Zev Jacob Gurock, and in Hebrew, it will be Ze’ev Yitzchak.
Zev is named for all four of his Great-Grandfathers, Randolph Chester, Jack (Jacob) Gurock, Irwin (Yitzchak) Grundman, and Jacob Beker.
His primary namesake is Randolph, Eli’s maternal grandfather, who passed away one year ago. Randolph means “Shield Wolf”, but interestingly, he was actually given the name Adolph (“Noble Wolf”) when he was born. He survived Auschwitz, and afterwards, understandably changed his name. Although Randolph’s Hebrew name was Avraham (Abraham), we chose to honor his memory by focusing on both his name and his story of survival, especially since Zev will be the first generation of children who will not hear this story firsthand. Zev is the Hebrew word for wolf.
Here’s a recent picture, taken with him lying in the shade on my favorite summer product, the JJ Cole Essentials Blanket.
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