Aden + Anais + The Laundress = clean + fresh + happy
I discovered The Laundress several years ago while hunting for an all-natural laundry detergent I could use for hand-washing, too. I tried it and I was hooked. Their laundry detergents are wonderful: they are formulated to be gentle on fabrics, and take no prisoners when it comes to dirt. They are free of toxins, biodegradable, and scented with natural essential oils.
So when I walked into the Aden + Anais booth at The ABC Show last October and I spotted their new line of detergents from across the booth, I thought I recognized the distinctive shape of the bottle and got very excited. If Aden + Anais was collaborating with The Laundress, I was going to be psyched. I may have whooped loudly when I got close enough to confirm my suspicion.
The Laundry Care line includes three products right now – Detergent, Bleach, and Fabric Softener. The Detergent is very similar to the one I’ve been using (and loving), but with a really nice scent that’s similar to the scent they use for their skincare line (I think it smells like freshly baked cookies, personally). This detergent costs more than any grocery store brand, but the formula is 3x concentrated, and one bottle will do 32 loads of laundry (or 64 handwashes). A little goes a long way.
The Fabric Softener is especially great because it does not contain tallow, an ingredient found in most fabric softeners. Tallow is animal fat, and that gives me the willies. The Non-Chlorine Bleach is color-safe and works well on tough stains while keeping your clothing vibrant and new.
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