A mom review: getting your breast pump through Magic Beans and Acelleron
Earlier this year, we announced that we’re teaming up with Acelleron to make it easier for our customers to get the free breast pumps provided through the Affordable Care Act. We’re delighted to say that this program has been a great success, and we got our first rave review from one of our staff members, Heather Hills! Here’s what Heather experienced when she ordered her breast pump with Acelleron.
I’ve been working for Magic Beans since 2007 – I was so excited to join a fun, young company that was just starting to expand! In my history with Magic Beans I have been full time, part time, assistant manager, manager, sales associate – you name it, I’ve probably done it, and I’ve absolutely loved every bit of it. The customers I’ve met along the way have made the experience even more wonderful. I’ve met so many families that I’ve continued to babysit for or who still text or email me for advice on new products. I’m at the Norwell store now, and dove back into the world of baby gear and toys just in time to find out that my husband Taylor and I are expecting our first baby in February 2015!
So now, I’m standing in the same shoes as our customers, and I have a better understanding of how overwhelming the whole world of first-time parenting can be, and how many decisions there are to make. When I first heard about the program Magic Beans was promoting with Acelleron for breast pump ordering I was a little skeptical. I mean, how hard can it be to call your insurance company and get one ordered yourself? Well, after my first call to the insurance company just to find out about copay information, I decided that I would do anything I could to avoid calling them again. So I was incredibly relieved that, by contrast, my experience with Acelleron was so easy!
I filled out the form, had my doctor sign it, and faxed it over to Acelleron at one of my monthly 5-minute check-in appointments. Within an hour of faxing it, I had a voicemail and an email from someone on their team saying they had already checked my insurance, and telling me which pumps were available to choose from. Your options may differ from mine depending on your insurance, but with mine, I had the option to get an Ameda, Hygeia, or Medela Pump in Style for free, or I could upgrade to a Medela Pump in Style with a backpack or bag for $30, or a Medela Freestyle for $100.
Of course, already having been taught everything I needed to know about breast pumps during my years at Magic Beans, I knew that Medela was the perfect choice for me, and knowing that I would eventually be returning to work full-time I wanted to make sure I had what I felt was the most efficient and easy to use pump for me and my family. I emailed Acelleron back and told them I’d like to upgrade to the Medela Freestyle. They almost immediately emailed me the waiver form to sign, which was super-easy too, using a site that allowed me to actually sign the form using my finger on the screen of my iphone. After that, I received an email saying I was all set and they would call me two months before my due date to provide payment and ship the pump overnight once payment was confirmed.
Life is so busy, especially with a baby on the way, and sometimes even making a phone call can be a trial! So the convenience of using Acelleron was just amazing – they really do all the work for you. They’ve come up with a phenomenal program and I plan to tell everyone who will listen about it!
Want to get your free pump from Acelleron through Magic Beans? Just ask any customer service rep at any of our stores to grab you a form, get your OB to fill the form out and send it to Acelleron, and let them do the work for you! We’ve got all the Medela accessories you’ll need at our stores, too – spare pump part kits, extra tubing, freezer bags, hands-free pumping bras, and more.
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