5 Things to Know About Magic Beans
Hi, Magic Beans readers!
Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Elizabeth, and I’m the new copywriter here at Magic Beans. I’m about to finish up my first month of working with Eli and the rest of the gang (cue the confetti!), and thought it’d be fun to share a few of the things I’ve learned about the company and my fellow employees with you.
1. Magic Beans really does have the best merchandise on the market…
From strollers to sippy cups, Magic Beans has amazing goods at low, low prices. I’ve been seriously impressed with the quality of the merchandise that Magic Beans carries, and love that everyone here is really passionate about making sure our shoppers are getting the best deal possible on whatever their hearts desire.
2. …and we get to test all of the merchandise out!
Each toy and piece of gear that we sell is presented to the office by our brand representatives, then hand-selected by our buyers. That means, more often than not, you’ll find someone rolling a stroller through the office or tearing open the packaging of a new toy! My favorite toy so far is a life-size baby giraffe plushie that currently holds court in the office hallway; I like to give it a fond pat on the nose every time I walk through the office.
3. Our corporate office is really tight with our store staff
I noticed right away when I started working at Magic Beans that our corporate office is in constant communication with our store staff. Rather than operating as two distinct entities, the corporate office and store staff are always in contact. Whether we’re meeting in-person or via video chat, the open communication makes us a stronger company and community.
4. We’ve got an office dog!
His name is Milo, and he’s adorable. His hobbies include sleeping in the middle of the office floor, wagging his tail, and searching the office for treats.
5. We all really, truly care about your Magic Beans experience
This last point is, I think, the most important! Everyone I’ve met here is committed to making the Magic Beans customer experience one to remember. In store or online, over the phone or via our website’s Product Expert Chat, everyone is working hard to make sure each and every person who shops at Magic Beans feels welcome and supported.
Want to know anything else about Magic Beans? Have any ideas about blog posts that you want to see in the future? Let me know! Drop a comment below, and I’ll get to work on writing the content you want to see. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Magic Beans or our merchandise, be sure to drop us a line! We’re always happy to talk shop. You can contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST) or by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website. You can also get all the advice you need by visiting our blog and YouTube channel!
The post 5 Things to Know About Magic Beans appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.
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