4Moms High Chair at the ABC Kids Expo
There’s no corralling the mess a toddler can make, right? When little kids are eating, decorum and table manners go right out the door… and handfuls of Cheerios wind up on the floor.
The new 4Moms High Chair, which we just saw for the first time at the ABC Kids Expo, and which will be available in winter of 2016, won’t eliminate the problem altogether, but they sure came up with a cool potential solution: magnets! (What can’t magnets do?)
The designers at 4Moms asked moms: what can we do to make high chair usage easier? The consumers they consulted noted that trays are a pain to wrangle, and that messes… happen. High chair trays usually require rails to be lined up and slid into place carefully, and they usually don’t sit flat on a counter.
So the new high chair has a tray that pops on and off with magnets: you can pop it on with one hand, and the magnets will guide it into place. SO COOL. Plus, it comes with dishes that stick to it with magnets, making it a bit harder for your child to throw her bowl across the room (not that it won’t happen, just less frequently).
And finally: it’s super easy to clean! The chair has no creases or seams to catch food, the foam insert can easily be removed to clean up big messes, the straps can be removed and machine-washed, and the tray liner is dishwasher-safe.
Watch our friend Jamie Grayson’s video showing off the 4Moms High Chair at the ABC Kids Expo here!
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